

Improved Citadel namespace activation behavior, made mutual TLS possible on Gateways, added debug endpoints, dashboards, and docs.


Authored the proposal to bring distributed tracing to Kubernetes. Created this project in kubernetes-sigs.

open-telemetry rust

Author of the opentelemetry-zipkin Rust crate. This crate is part of the opentelemetry-rust project, which is in turn part of the larger OpenTelemetry effort.


Contributed bug-fixes to this terminal-based Spotify client, written in Rust.



CHIP-8 emulator written in Go, ships with built-in GDB-flavoured debugger.

erowid lsa

Latent semantic analysis performed on a drug experience dataset scraped from erowid.org to find the most similar drugs. Coffee and LSD have more in common than you might have thought ;)

wutang name generator alexa skill

No-kidding, built the Alexa WuTang name generator skill. Not much to say about this one, but if Raekwon comes knocking on my door one day, you know why.