open source

Served as Environments Working Group Lead, Upgrade Working Group Lead, and 1.10 and 1.15 Release Manager for the Istio project, the world’s leading open-source service mesh.

Authored the proposal to bring distributed tracing to Kubernetes, which was promoted to a project in the kubernetes-sigs

Author of the opentelemetry-zipkin Rust crate, which has a 1.5 million downloads as of this writing. This crate is part of the opentelemetry-rust project, which is in turn part of the larger OpenTelemetry effort.
side projects

Latent semantic analysis performed on a drug experience dataset scraped from to find the most similar drugs. Analysis performed for a research project. Coffee and LSD have more in common than you might have thought.

No-kidding, built the Alexa WuTang name generator skill. Not much to say about this one, but if Raekwon comes knocking on my door one day, you know why.